Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moving to Durango Colorado

We left this:




We packed up our two moving trucks on May 21st with the help of some awesome friends in Idaho. We spent a short night on the floor of our house, woke up on Friday to finish cleaning and packing the last of the items: plants, cleaning supplies, bedding etc.
Steve was not too sure the rest would fit in. I told him I was awake very early figuring just where everything would go, we'll make it fit!! We drove all day Friday one 26' truck driven by Steve, a 16' truck with trailer to carry Josh's Trouper driven by our son-in-love Vince, the PT driven by Josh, Vince and Lorissa's car driven by Lorissa and last but not least me in our Suburban. You really didn't want to get stuck behind our caravan!!!

Victor now minus 8!

View from behind
We drove all the way to Moab, Utah got to the hotel about 9:30 crashed in bed and awoke at 4:00am in order to arrive in Durango by 9:00am. Driving moving trucks is a slow business! It was worth getting up early to get the great help on the other end unloading all our possessions.
There was a fantastic group of guys who unloaded us in about 2 1/2 hours! Thanks!!

Our destination! Durango Colorado

Lorissa and Vince spent a week with us in Durango and then they headed off to LA. They flew from LA to Washington to load up their possessions and move them to San Diego. A little more moving than they had hoped for. So glad for your help! Thanks guys!
This house is just a rental we will be here until our house in Idaho sells(please pray!) then we will move to a more permanent location. Come for a visit we miss everyone!!

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