Does life seem to fly by for anyone else?
I was going to post a blog yesterday but I started to download photos and realized that I can't really start from where I am I need to go back and catch you up. Yes, I must be one of those sequential people!!
Steve lost his job on December 30th, he was praying that God would open up a full-time position in a church. Not that easy with our family needs. However, during this time of waiting Steve and I were able to finish off the work on our basement remodel, and move the kids into their new (although temporary) rooms.
Our daughter Lyndsie was set to get married in North Carolina on April 5th. In March I had been madly trying to work on ring pillows, ties, vests and dresses. Just when we think that maybe God was NOT going to open up a pastoring position we hear that our friends who pastor in Colorado are losing much of their pastoral staff to various other things! Hummm! So, Steve lets them know that we are interested if they would consider us. After a couple of calls and a "lets get you out here", which we said we could do after the wedding, we got another call, "Can you come tomorrow?" Uh yeah, sure we're not really doing anything at all!!! Thankfully I really was almost done with my sewing, two vests and two ties left to do, so the weekend(Saturday) before we were to leave to drive to Asheville, NC we took a 12 hour drive to Durango, CO! We went to church on Sunday, their mission Sunday, and I could tell Steve was back in his calling! We talked, drove around the area and talked some more, by Tuesday we were headed 12 hours back home.
Wednesday morning it's back to sewing and packing for a four day drive to NC. Lorissa and Vince were staying with us, so we loaded up both cars. We left on Monday arrived on Thursday, rehersal on Saturday, wedding on Sunday, a little more time with friends and family, left to drive home on Wednesday arrive home on Friday. Is anyone tired yet, I know I am!! Had a fantastic time with family at the wedding, nice to have everyone together.
By the way we decided to take the position that was offered in Durango, so before we left for the wedding we put the house on the market with friends of ours. So, not only did we pack but we also moved furniture and took down family photos and made the house look its best as realtors would take photos while we were gone!
When we got home it was packing for three weeks then off to Joel's graduation. And why not throw in another trip to Durango on the way to LA to look at a rental house! That only adds 12 hours to the trip, spend a couple hours looking and 12 more hours to San Dimas - are we crazy? DON'T answer that! Many of you have been telling us that for years!
Ryan, Abby, Steve, Joel, Emily, Lori, Lorissa, Vince
Yippee, Lori, you updated your blog! I just love the way you write just how you talk. Now I'm ready for the "moving to and settling into Colorado" chapter! (No pressure.)
Love you, Sue
Yeah for an update! Well I do get them via my mom but I am always glad to see/hear it from you. Can't wait for Jolies wedding so that we can finally see everyone again. Been praying for you guys. Hope the settling in is going well. Love and miss you.
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