Friday, August 27, 2010


Ryan was born on August 27th, 1982
at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek, CA.
He was a whole four weeks late!!!
I know they don't let you do that anymore but in
those days they did. Not sure I would wish
that on anyone. He was my 'natural birth' after
a C-section! The anesthesiologist wanted me to have
another one just because he did not want to hang around. When Ryan
was born, my sweet mother, wanted to go wake up the anesthesiologist
and tell him he could go home now!! She didn't, she was too nice!
I forget how many hours of labor(at least 15).
He was born just 1/4 of an ounce short of being 9 pounds.
He did not look chubby as he was 21" long.
Lots of dark hair.

At one month

My favorite age, 3 months, so cute!

6 months old, Ok the first two got lots
of photos!!

Ryan and Jason

Jason, Ryan and Lorissa with their Great
Granddaddy and Grandmother Lane

Jason, Cousin Jenny and Ryan

Ryan in Jackson, WY where we moved when he was
5 years old. (Abby I put this one in for you since you have
a thing for polaroid film!)
This was part of the library party.

Jason, Joel, Lyndsie, Ryan and Lorissa outside our condo in
Jackson. Right next to the ski slope!!

Remember when you rode your little bike like 10 miles through
Teton Park? We are with our friends the Ferrins in this photo.
What a great day that was, the park was only open to bikes and
we only saw a few other people that day. Still tons of snow and the lakes were
still frozen. Great memories!!

Ryan, Lorissa, Joel, Jason, Papa Mac and Lyndsie
Jackson, WY

Under the elk antlers in Jackson with Grandmother Quisenberry.

Chef Ryan and Dad

In his cool boots

Funny boy with his Grandpa Quisenberry.

I'm guessing it was Thanksgiving back
in Danville, CA with Cousin Catie
and Cousin Nicholas.

We moved to Florida when he was 9 years old.
He must be about 10 here.
Ryan, Cousin Jenny, Lyndsie, Jason, Steven,
Lorissa, Joel and Josh

A trip back to Jackson in October, I think.
Lots of snow already, a little chilly for these
Florida babies who have never seen snow!!
Ryan now wearing his dad's old jacket!!

This was not the first time that Ryan changed his hair color.
The first time he decided to change it to blonde or more like white!!
They had to bleach it twice to make it that color.
He thought he was going to be in trouble when he got home
but I just laughed for about 20 minutes, no joke!
He just looked so strange with that color when his hair
is usually so dark, I couldn't help it!!
I actually liked his hair like this, the porcupine look!!

Another hair style

Family photo with everyone but Drew, not
yet with us.

A visit to the St. Louis zoo.
What is he doing?

Jason, Cousin Peter, Ryan and Cousin Caleb at
Cousin Corrie's wedding.
Nice view guys!!

Abby added to the family photo.
Taken in CA in the Fall.

Ryan and Abby's wedding 2006
Malibu Canyon, CA
The day was beautiful even when the fog rolled
in and we had a slight drizzle.
Karla is added to the family photo.

A day at Yellowstone
Playing who's taller, Ryan will always win!!

Ryan came out to help us tile our bathroom in Victor, ID.
He was so patient to teach us all how to do it.
Not sure how we fit all those people in one tub.

Abby and Ryan

Love this shot of all my boys at Joel's wedding, well
I guess I'm missing Drew, although he was in the wedding too.
They are all so handsome!!
Caught Abby in the shot too doing what she does
so well.

My computer techie working from our house in Durango, CO.
Nice thing about a comuter job, you can take it with you.
He is quite good!!
November 2009

Ryan and his beautiful wife Abby.

Ryan at Cousin Erik's pool in Danville, CA.
Ryan will soon be a dad! He and Abby are adopting
a sweet little 4 month old boy from Uganda.
This should be an amazing year, you will be a
fantastic dad!! Love you so much Ryan!
Happy Birthday!


Caleb Maclennan said...

Happy birthday Ryan.

And for the record, I was not posing for that shot.

Corrie said...

Love the pic of Grandpa Mac! Happy Birthday to Ry and we can't wait for your son and know too that you will be a great daddy carrying him on top of the world (your shoulders).

Abi Q said...

Oh my goodness this is so cute!!!! My hubby has always been adorable! And I LOVE that you have the first family photo with me in it. Tear.