Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Calilfornia Part 1


On the way to Brentwood to pick cherries
with the cousins.

Aunt Wendy, Ruth
Little Richy, Mattie

Jordan and Drew

Ruth and Mattie

Mattie, Corrie and Chesnie

Next was a dinner at the Lymans.
Matt grilling for us.
Kids having fun on the trampoline.

Jason being..... Jason.

Enjoying catching up...

Gianna and Anna

Anna and Noah.

Erik and Rebecca shared their house and
pool with all of us...

The remodel of their new great room.

The huge window and island.

Seeing if that new island will withstand
all sorts of, cherries!!

Ruth doing a flip.

Synchronized swimming!

Drew trying to make a big splash!

Diving off of Jason's shoulders.

Chicken wars.

Ryan chillin' in his cool hat!!
All in all it was a fabulous visit!

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