Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ruthie's Trip to the Emergency Room

For those of you wondering how Ruth looks after a battle with the neighbor's treadmill she allowed me to take these photos of her. These are actually day after photos, she doesn't look too bad. I know many of you were called by a frantic sister who was panicking because she was home without mom when it happened. Of course, I was at the grocery store. After a bit of debate, mostly mom, who of course would rather do it herself with butterfly bandage and superglue, dad opted for the emergency room. I wasn't sure I could do it very well where it was on her lip. What did the doctor use? Superglue and steri strips, just as I suspected!! The worst part is she is supposed to stay out of the sun for six months or keep sunscreen on her wounds, yea right!!


Koko Quiz said...

It hurts to look at these pictures. = (

Anonymous said...

Ruthie is never going to want to step foot in a gym after this run in with the treadmill...they say working out beats you up, but I never realized how true it could be!

Anonymous said...

Poor Ruthie....it obviously hurts. Hope it's feeling better by now so she can get her smile back! Sending love to Idaho....Aunt Sue